qvtp-drone-0010-e1499874701226 BREAKFAST ON THE PORCH

Featuring John W. Fitzpatrick | Tuesday, March 14th, 2023

8:00AM - 9:15AM  | Quail Valley River Club Porch

Join John Fitzpatrick, Minnesota native and Harvard Alum ('74), for a multi-media discussion about the phenomenal powers and values of birds, especially their emerging, global role as bellwethers of environmental change. 

Through 1989, Fitzpatrick was Curator of Birds and Chairman of Zoology at Chicago’s Field Museum of Natural History, studying ecology of South American birds, during which he discovered and named 7 bird species new to science. At Archbold Biological Station in central Florida, where he was Executive Director from 1988 to 1995, he maintains a 50+ year collaborative study of ecology, behavior, landscape genetics, and conservation of the endangered Florida Scrub-Jay. As Director of the Cornell Lab of Ornithology (1995-2021), Fitzpatrick oversaw development of the Lab into a world-renowned center for ornithology, conservation biology, and citizen science. He has authored more than 150 scientific articles, and co-authored four books including a leading college-level textbook on ornithology. Together with colleagues at the Cornell Lab, he pioneered eBird, now the world’s largest citizen-science project and a global standard for ecological monitoring.

His honors in ornithology and conservation include awards from American Ornithological Society, The Nature Conservancy, Linnean Society of New York, and National Audubon Society. He was President of the American Ornithological Society (2000 – 2002), served on the Board of Governors of The Nature Conservancy (1995-2006), Trustee of the National Audubon Society (1995 – 2001), and on three U. S. Endangered Species Recovery Teams. In 2020 he was elected Fellow of the American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS).

Fitzpatrick lives with his wife, Molly, on a forested hillside in Ithaca, NY and winters in a lovely townhome in Vero Beach, FL.


Tickets are $25 and can be purchased online by clicking here or by mailing a check to our PO Box below.


Harvard Club of Vero Beach

P.O. 644004

Vero Beach, Florida 32964




8:00AM - 9:15AM Tue 14 Mar 2023, Eastern timezone


Quail Valley River Club Porch
2345 Florida A1A
Vero Beach, FL 32963 USA

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